Tuesday, January 4, 2011


H A P P Y T W E N T Y E L E V E N B L O G G E R !
I know I am kinda late on the Happy New Year but I've been busy and haven't had time to post anything. I just got back to school from Christmas Break, two weeks of sleeping in really does murder on your sleep schedule! But it was fun while it lasted, staying up till 3am in the morning, not having to worry about grades or school in general was amazing
Christmas Eve: On Christmas Eve mysister && I went to work downtown with my mom, it was kinda cool seeing the whole city decorated, but it was a ghost-town becausenobody goes to work on Christmas Eve down there! haha(: Then later we went to my Aunts house like we do every year, we saw my cousin Paul and my aunts and uncles. Then we come home and my sister && I went to bed, struggling to sleep(:
Christmas Day: Every year my sister && I sleep in my room together Christmas Eve night and wake up at 7am to open presents. Later that day we go to my other Aunts house and we get to see my other cousins Brett, Amanda && Miguel,and Mikey && Sarah, and my aunt and uncle. I got a Kindle and a Justin Bieber book (Steps 2 Forever) Everyone who knows me knows I AM IN LOVE WITH JUSTIN BIEBER(:
Sunday after Christmas Day: On the Sunday after Christmas Day, which was the day after this year, we have my other cousins Samantha && Kayla and my aunt and uncle over to open presents with them. Its fun having them over because their just so funny to hangout with!(:
New Years Eve: On New Years Eve my bestfriend Shannon comes over and we stay up late do the whole "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" thing and just hangout its so fun to see her because we've been friends since we were in kindergarten, we lived down the street from eachother and then she moved and then I moved and we've been friends ever since, I think we are going to be friends till we take our last breath :D
-Well basicly thats my Christmas Break, (:

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