Thursday, March 17, 2011



Boys are nothing but drama you talk to them for months and months, and you guys hangout when he is in town and its feels great to know that he cares, and you text twenty four seven and you have endless four hour phone calls every weekend, bout your okay with that, then his phone gets shut off by the phone company, so you talk on Facebook when you're both on then you make a deal if he quits you guys share a kiss when he comes back into town this Summer. You have never been kissed before so just the thought of this deal gives you butterflies in your stomach. Then one weekend your hanging with the girls and you find out his phone got turned back on and that makes you ecstatic and jittery because you hope you guys can pick up where you left off with texting twenty four seven and talking on the phone for hours on end, but it doesn't happen that way he won't text you back, he won't take your phone calls, and when he does he doesn't talk that long and your conversations no longer give you the jitters in your stomach and dreams about what you had talked about. Come to find out that he got a drop dead gorgeous girlfriend, you can hear your heart cracking, and ripping at the seams. You feel like he lead you on, he lied, he left you in the dark and it kills you more than anything. <------ This is the story of my life right now

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