Monday, March 1, 2010

Hey Bloggerr(:

Hey, my name is Stephanie, some people call me Steph, I was recently diagnosed with Mosaic Turners Syndrome, I am only missing some of the X's in my Chromosomes, I currently take Synthyriod, and Growth Hormone, Another thing you need to know about me is I am a Christian I go to church and am an active member of my youth group, I absoultly love it it has helped me to realized that Christ is unlike anybody he will always be there to help you up when you are at your lowest low, and to know that there will always be people there to help you when you need sombody to just listen or some friendly advice,

- Life hits you like a hurricane, and without warning. There is no time to have foolish regrets
"Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to there needs, that it may benifit those who listen"

-Ephesians 4:29;

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