Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Youth Group;

My youth group really starts up a STORM! I just started going there not too long ago, and I already feel moved. I love it the messages are great because any teenager can totally relate to them, they dont just sit there and sing hymns or read directly out of the Bible, they relate the Bible stories to out everyday teenage, crazy lives. Our youth pastor && his wife recently answered the call of God, and he told them it was time to move on and start there own church after three years of serving at my church, sure it was sad at first but then we go to realizing that this was a good thing, then we celebrated and blessed them on there travels. The thing is that we had to realize leaving wasent going to solve anything it was just going to put everything that they worked so hard for into the dust. Needless to say, we have a new youth pastor who will be saying his second word tonight, we just have to give him and chance and listen to what he has to say.

-Basicly, my youth group is a select few of wonderful men and women of God; and I love them all dearly, I know if I have a problem I can always go talk to them along with my family;

"Dont criticize what you cant understand, your sons and your daughters are beyond your command"
-Bob Dylan

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