Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Wow! Its been so long since ive posted anything on here, but I recently had surgery on my hip;
My leg was slipping from the socket in my hip and they had to go in and reconnect my leg with my hip with a pin, My surgery was Tuesday March 16 2010 and it took about 25 minutes and 20 minutes for me to wake up from the anastshia they put into my IV previous to the surgery to make me fall asleep. Everything went as planned and I got out of having to spend the night at the hospital. The only reasons why I would have had to stay at the hospital was if I was in any sort of intense pain (which I wasent) or if I needed to learn how to use my crutches (which I was on previous to the surgery because they didnt want me to put any pressure on my hip), I got to go home. I didnt go to school for a week for recovery (doctors orders ;D ) I am on crutches for at least a month. I recently started back at school, They gave me an elevator pass and I get to leave class five minutes early my mom takes me to school and my dad picks me up. I got a lot of really great get well cards while I was out,

-Basicly, I hate my crutches, they make my back hurt(:
"Everything will work out, God has you in his plans"

-Aunt Margie && Uncle Ralphie ♥

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