Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Well we went to the doctor for a follow up yesterday and they had to take more x-rayss, then we talked to the doctor and he said that the cut is healing good and that I can "walk with my crutches". I am allowed to get off them in 2 weeks, I am so excited to get everything back to normal. School has been tough with the crutches but it will all be over soon. There is a light at the end of this long tunnel, and its not too far away. The only downside, no softball this year. But I am going to tryout for the softball team at my school next year so I just have to practice and think about the reward it would be to make it. I am so excited for Easter, I love it because my whole family gets together and nobody thinks about the disagreements that we've all had between each other, we are just a family.

-Basicly, Im on the high road to recovery, can't wait to get off these crutches, and am so excited for Easter.

"A bird dosnt sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song"
-Maya Angelou

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