Boys are nothing but drama you talk to them for months and months, and you guys hangout when he is in town and its feels great to know that he cares, and you text twenty four seven and you have endless four hour phone calls every weekend, bout your okay with that, then his phone gets shut off by the phone company, so you talk on Facebook when you're both on then you make a deal if he quits you guys share a kiss when he comes back into town this Summer. You have never been kissed before so just the thought of this deal gives you butterflies in your stomach. Then one weekend your hanging with the girls and you find out his phone got turned back on and that makes you ecstatic and jittery because you hope you guys can pick up where you left off with texting twenty four seven and talking on the phone for hours on end, but it doesn't happen that way he won't text you back, he won't take your phone calls, and when he does he doesn't talk that long and your conversations no longer give you the jitters in your stomach and dreams about what you had talked about. Come to find out that he got a drop dead gorgeous girlfriend, you can hear your heart cracking, and ripping at the seams. You feel like he lead you on, he lied, he left you in the dark and it kills you more than anything. <------ This is the story of my life right now
Simply Stephanie
The many emotions;
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
H A P P Y T W E N T Y E L E V E N B L O G G E R !
I know I am kinda late on the Happy New Year but I've been busy and haven't had time to post anything. I just got back to school from Christmas Break, two weeks of sleeping in really does murder on your sleep schedule! But it was fun while it lasted, staying up till 3am in the morning, not having to worry about grades or school in general was amazing♥
Christmas Eve: On Christmas Eve mysister && I went to work downtown with my mom, it was kinda cool seeing the whole city decorated, but it was a ghost-town becausenobody goes to work on Christmas Eve down there! haha(: Then later we went to my Aunts house like we do every year, we saw my cousin Paul and my aunts and uncles. Then we come home and my sister && I went to bed, struggling to sleep(:
Christmas Day: Every year my sister && I sleep in my room together Christmas Eve night and wake up at 7am to open presents. Later that day we go to my other Aunts house and we get to see my other cousins Brett, Amanda && Miguel,and Mikey && Sarah, and my aunt and uncle. I got a Kindle and a Justin Bieber book (Steps 2 Forever) Everyone who knows me knows I AM IN LOVE WITH JUSTIN BIEBER(:
Sunday after Christmas Day: On the Sunday after Christmas Day, which was the day after this year, we have my other cousins Samantha && Kayla and my aunt and uncle over to open presents with them. Its fun having them over because their just so funny to hangout with!(:
New Years Eve: On New Years Eve my bestfriend Shannon comes over and we stay up late do the whole "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" thing and just hangout its so fun to see her because we've been friends since we were in kindergarten, we lived down the street from eachother and then she moved and then I moved and we've been friends ever since, I think we are going to be friends till we take our last breath :D
-Well basicly thats my Christmas Break, (:

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Whats been going on with you Blogger? :D
Holy crap!, its been a long time since I've posted anything on here, Its been pretty crazy for me! I've stopped my growth hormone injections, thank God(: , because when I had my surgery back in March 2010 my growth plate in my left hip began to close, and that means my left leg is going to stop growing, and I didn't want to deal with that. So now I still take my Thyroid pills, now I'm going onto step number two, Estrogen pills, which I was scared of before but now I'm actually kinda excited about it now, Im ready to be like all the other girls in my school. So things are really working out for me, falling into place. I have a boyfriend, his name is Johnny he is pretty much amazing times infinity :D , and we've been going out for almost one month, 10/12/10 ♥

-So basically, I feel great and things a really starting to fall into place for me(:
"Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic"
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Well we went to the doctor for a follow up yesterday and they had to take more x-rayss, then we talked to the doctor and he said that the cut is healing good and that I can "walk with my crutches". I am allowed to get off them in 2 weeks, I am so excited to get everything back to normal. School has been tough with the crutches but it will all be over soon. There is a light at the end of this long tunnel, and its not too far away. The only downside, no softball this year. But I am going to tryout for the softball team at my school next year so I just have to practice and think about the reward it would be to make it. I am so excited for Easter, I love it because my whole family gets together and nobody thinks about the disagreements that we've all had between each other, we are just a family.
-Basicly, Im on the high road to recovery, can't wait to get off these crutches, and am so excited for Easter.
"A bird dosnt sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song"
-Maya Angelou
-Basicly, Im on the high road to recovery, can't wait to get off these crutches, and am so excited for Easter.
"A bird dosnt sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song"
-Maya Angelou
Thursday, March 25, 2010
School has been hard because of the cutches. My back kills everyday when I get home, and having to go and babysit dosnt help My shoulders kill too! I just cant wait until I can get off these things. Even though walking a at all. round at school is terrible I know I have to do it for my own health and I am willing to do it for my education. I can't let a little pain stop me from doing what needs to be done. I have to go to school and I made a commitment to babysitting after school, and its my job and you can't just blow off all of your priorities because you have pain, there are things that need to be done before yourself. I just have to think to myself "its only temporary, everything will be back to normal before you know chool, like leaving five minutes early from class and getting to skip out on the stairs and use the elevator but ill get over it and get through the fourth qaurter and into Summer 2010, The only thing I am going to miss is having the perks at s
-Basicly, I am so excited for Summer and there are things that need to be done before you worry about yourself.
"Success is only another form of failure if we forget what our priorites should be"
-Harry Lloydit" "Success is only another form of failure if we forget what our priorites should be"
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Wow! Its been so long since ive posted anything on here, but I recently had surgery on my hip;
My leg was slipping from the socket in my hip and they had to go in and reconnect my leg with my hip with a pin, My surgery was Tuesday March 16 2010 and it took about 25 minutes and 20 minutes for me to wake up from the anastshia they put into my IV previous to the surgery to make me fall asleep. Everything went as planned and I got out of having to spend the night at the hospital. The only reasons why I would have had to stay at the hospital was if I was in any sort of intense pain (which I wasent) or if I needed to learn how to use my crutches (which I was on previous to the surgery because they didnt want me to put any pressure on my hip), I got to go home. I didnt go to school for a week for recovery (doctors orders ;D ) I am on crutches for at least a month. I recently started back at school, They gave me an elevator pass and I get to leave class five minutes early my mom takes me to school and my dad picks me up. I got a lot of really great get well cards while I was out,
-Basicly, I hate my crutches, they make my back hurt(:
"Everything will work out, God has you in his plans"
-Aunt Margie && Uncle Ralphie ♥
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
My Youth Group;
My youth group really starts up a STORM! I just started going there not too long ago, and I already feel moved. I love it the messages are great because any teenager can totally relate to them, they dont just sit there and sing hymns or read directly out of the Bible, they relate the Bible stories to out everyday teenage, crazy lives. Our youth pastor && his wife recently answered the call of God, and he told them it was time to move on and start there own church after three years of serving at my church, sure it was sad at first but then we go to realizing that this was a good thing, then we celebrated and blessed them on there travels. The thing is that we had to realize leaving wasent going to solve anything it was just going to put everything that they worked so hard for into the dust. Needless to say, we have a new youth pastor who will be saying his second word tonight, we just have to give him and chance and listen to what he has to say.
-Basicly, my youth group is a select few of wonderful men and women of God; and I love them all dearly, I know if I have a problem I can always go talk to them along with my family;
"Dont criticize what you cant understand, your sons and your daughters are beyond your command"
-Bob Dylan
-Basicly, my youth group is a select few of wonderful men and women of God; and I love them all dearly, I know if I have a problem I can always go talk to them along with my family;
"Dont criticize what you cant understand, your sons and your daughters are beyond your command"
-Bob Dylan
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Myy Petss;
I have one dog and my grandma has one dog && a birddd, So we have two dogs and a bird in our house, my dogg is namedd Angel, she is five years old and brown. My grandma's dog is named Sydney she is eight years old and blondee. The birds name is Ravenn she is a Sun Conyer.(:
-Basicly we are a family that loves animals(:
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated"
-Mahatma Gandhi
-Angel; ♥
- Raven; ♥
- Sydney; ♥
-Basicly we are a family that loves animals(:
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated"
-Mahatma Gandhi
Friday, March 5, 2010
My Sister;
My sister, she annoys me for sure, but I know that she will always be there for me when I need her and I will always be therefor her when she needs me. We fight, yell, and get mad at each other but I know in my heart that I love her and she loves me. She is my bestfriend, and my worst critic. Her opinion of me means more than anybody elses. She knows me better than I know myself.♥ I love you Justine.
-Basicly I love my sister, more than she will ever understand. She is amazing, but she somtimes she dosnt understand anything I tell her but in the longrun its for her own good;
"I don't believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at."
- Maya Angelou
-Basicly I love my sister, more than she will ever understand. She is amazing, but she somtimes she dosnt understand anything I tell her but in the longrun its for her own good;
"I don't believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at."
- Maya Angelou

Thursday, March 4, 2010
My friends are amazing they are with me through thick and thin, I do my best to help and support them when needed. I give the best advice I can to them, and I would hope they would do the same for me. My friends are a select few thats are just different from the rest, they stand out. I stand out that why I think we get along so well(:
- So basicaly, I have great friends who will always be in my heart, no matter what happens in the future; You guys have made an impact in my life, that you could never even begin to understand.
"Life is a journey, but it makes it a whole lot easier when you can hear your bestfriends footsteps behind you"
- So basicaly, I have great friends who will always be in my heart, no matter what happens in the future; You guys have made an impact in my life, that you could never even begin to understand.
"Life is a journey, but it makes it a whole lot easier when you can hear your bestfriends footsteps behind you"
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
My Christian Walk;
I am a Christain;
and I love and live for Him; everything I do is for God, I go to Church on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays. I know I am not perfect at all. I do make lots of mistakes and was born into sin. But I try my best to serve and care for Him. I worship and praise Him. I know He has made me very lucky in the sense that I am healthy, happy, and have a very wonderful family, and amazing friends who are always going to be there for me when I need them, He has made me the girl that I am and I dont resent Him for doing anything that he did. I am not drinking, smoking, or doing any drugs, also I am strictly going to wait until marriage.
-Basicly, I am a loser for God, and I dont care what other people say, because it is between me and Him, and it is my choice, and actually I think it was one of my best ♥;
" am what I am and, you know, I'm a very lucky girl."
-Michael Bloomburg
and I love and live for Him; everything I do is for God, I go to Church on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays. I know I am not perfect at all. I do make lots of mistakes and was born into sin. But I try my best to serve and care for Him. I worship and praise Him. I know He has made me very lucky in the sense that I am healthy, happy, and have a very wonderful family, and amazing friends who are always going to be there for me when I need them, He has made me the girl that I am and I dont resent Him for doing anything that he did. I am not drinking, smoking, or doing any drugs, also I am strictly going to wait until marriage.
-Basicly, I am a loser for God, and I dont care what other people say, because it is between me and Him, and it is my choice, and actually I think it was one of my best ♥;
" am what I am and, you know, I'm a very lucky girl."
-Michael Bloomburg

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
My Family life;
Hey. I decided that I should mention my family, I have one sister a mom, a dad, my grandpa, and my grandma, we all live together in one house, I am very close with my family. I know they will always be there for me when I need them. They really helped me over the summer when I had my Diagnoses of Mosaic Turners Syndrome. I had taken a lot of blood tests before they came to the decison and everybody was shocked and releived at the same time. I wasent sure what to think about it, but I knew that if I just went with it everything was for my own health, I had to get an echocardiagram to see if I had any defect in my heart (it is a side effect of Turners) but I was lucky enough to not have anything wrong with me, also that summer I had to go and get an ultrasound on my kidneys (Its also a side effect of Turners Syndrome, and it runs in my dads family) Again I was so blessed not to have anything wrong with me, on that note anyways.
-So basicaly I am a a blessed person with an amazing supportive family, I am so lucky to have a family like mine they are always gonna be there when I need them;
"Stephanie, your friends might not always be there but your family [sister] will"
-my mother ♥
-So basicaly I am a a blessed person with an amazing supportive family, I am so lucky to have a family like mine they are always gonna be there when I need them;
"Stephanie, your friends might not always be there but your family [sister] will"
-my mother ♥

Monday, March 1, 2010
Hey Bloggerr(:
Hey, my name is Stephanie, some people call me Steph, I was recently diagnosed with Mosaic Turners Syndrome, I am only missing some of the X's in my Chromosomes, I currently take Synthyriod, and Growth Hormone, Another thing you need to know about me is I am a Christian I go to church and am an active member of my youth group, I absoultly love it it has helped me to realized that Christ is unlike anybody he will always be there to help you up when you are at your lowest low, and to know that there will always be people there to help you when you need sombody to just listen or some friendly advice,
- Life hits you like a hurricane, and without warning. There is no time to have foolish regrets "Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to there needs, that it may benifit those who listen"
-Ephesians 4:29;
- Life hits you like a hurricane, and without warning. There is no time to have foolish regrets "Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to there needs, that it may benifit those who listen"
-Ephesians 4:29;

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